Peoplesoft XML Publisher Guide

Monday, 5 August 2013

Application Server Configuration Files

This post explains in short about the configuration files that get's created when we create an application server domain.

PSAPPSRV.CFG - This is one of the important configuration files for peoplesoft application server to get started. It contains the entire information of the configured application server domain.

PSAPPSRV.UBB - This is a file which stores the domain values that is required for tuxedo configuration loader executable (tmloadcf.exe) to run. With tmloadcf.exe this file is compiled to retrieve the domain values.

PSAPPSRV.UBX - This is a template or in simple terms a copy of PSAPPSRV.UBB file. After the domain is edited using the PSADMIN utility for some reasons this is the file where the changes for the environment settings are stored.

PSAPPSRV.ENV - This holds the information of the Installed PS_HOME, it's environment information, etc

PSAPPSRV.VAL - This is a file which contain the format details for the configuration parameters, that as set with some valid values as specified in this file. This file get's called with the message for any invalid values if tried to set in the system while domain configuration.

PSTUXCFG - This is tuxedo configuration files which holds the information regarding the location of tuxedo executables, files, and commands needed to run the server process of application server.

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