Peoplesoft XML Publisher Guide

Monday, 26 August 2013

Peoplesoft Installation 8.53 Major Steps

Peoplesoft Installation 8.53 Steps:
First we need to check the certification details for the peoplesoft peopletools, application, jdk, tuxedo and weblogic version with the hardware and operating system version. This details can be obtained from
We are going to Install with the certification for peoplesoft 8.53 on Windows 7 and database as Oracle 11g Release 2.
  1. Install the softwares one by one in the order mentioned for peoplesoft 8.53:
  2. Install the Oracle Database 11g R2 (64-bit)
  3. Install JDK for Windows 7 64-bit
  4. Install Tuxedo 11g V2010 Windows 64-bit
  5. Install WebLogic Server in 64-bit mode
  6. Install PeopleTools 8.53 (Disk1, Disk2 and Disk3)
  7. Install PeopleSoft HCM 9.2 (Disk1)

Creating PeopleSoft Oracle Database:

  1. Create the Oracle Database using Database Configuration Assistant (DBCA). Once created the Oracle database it is blank we need to run six SQL Scripts to create peoplesoft objects like records, temporary records, users, etc
  2. Run UTLSPACE.SQL – This will create Catalog Views and Utility tablespaces like PSDEFAULT and PSTEMP
  3. Run HCDDL.SQL – This will create Application related tablespaces. Make sure you have disk space on the oradata or where the data files will be created.
  4. Run DBOWNER.SQL – This will create PS.PSDBOWNER table where it holds two columns Database Name, OwnerId. This table exists in Oracle only not when you create a database in SQL Server.
  5. Run PSROLES.SQL – This will create PeopleSoft related database roles.
  6. Run PSADMIN.SQL – This will create PeopleSoft database Owner ID (By default we give SYSADM)
  7. Run CONNECT.SQL – This will create Connect ID (people) which is used in the initial connection to connect to the peoplesoft database.
  8. Configure the PeopleSoft Configuration Manager. Set the Database Name, Type, Connect ID, Password, etc.
  9. Now we can run the Database Setup using Data Mover to run the Import database Script which uses the (.db files) to create the peoplesoft database which can be a Demo, System or Peopletools database based on the selection.
  10. Now, the Import Script will take some time to create peopesoft records, temporary records, views, etc.
Once the peoplesoft database is created with the import script, we need to check the PSSTATUS table for the version specified in the toolsversion column. If the version is the same as 8.53 it means we had the updated peopletools objects and system data. So, we can proceed to run the final scripts and complete the process.

Run VERSION AE program - It udates the PSVERSION table for the version.
Run DDDAUDIT.SQR - This will show the inconsistencies if any in the newly created database.
Run SYSAUDIT.SQR - This will show the orpahed objects if any there in the database.
Run SETSPACE.SQR – This SQR will synchronize the tablespace details with the system catalog.
Run ALTERAUDIT – This will synchronize the peopletools tables with the underlying SQL data tables.

Peoplesoft Create Domains

  • We had few videos on how to create Application Server and Web Server Domains at this blog. Please refer to that.
  • Boot the Domains Web Server, Application Server, Process Scheduler (After configure Report Nodes).
  • Login to PIA (URL - http://servername:http_port/sitename/signon.html

Wednesday, 21 August 2013

Retrieve Dropped table in Oracle

A small post explaining how to retrieve dropped table from Oracle database:

1) When a table is drop with the DROP Table command the table is still there in Recycle bin until it's purged explicitly. 

The recycle bin is actually a data dictionary table containing information about dropped objects. You can turn it ON or OFF as required. To check the status of recycle bin below is the SQL Statement


NAME        TYPE      VALUE
recyclebin    string           on

To turn Off the recyclebin


2) Retrieve dropped table from recyclebin

SQL> select OBJECT_NAME, ORIGINAL_NAME, TYPE from recyclebin

ORIGINAL_NAME is the original table that is dropped.

SQL> FLASHBACK table table_name to before drop;

Also, Index name needs to be restored to their original names;

Monday, 5 August 2013

Application Server Configuration Files

This post explains in short about the configuration files that get's created when we create an application server domain.

PSAPPSRV.CFG - This is one of the important configuration files for peoplesoft application server to get started. It contains the entire information of the configured application server domain.

PSAPPSRV.UBB - This is a file which stores the domain values that is required for tuxedo configuration loader executable (tmloadcf.exe) to run. With tmloadcf.exe this file is compiled to retrieve the domain values.

PSAPPSRV.UBX - This is a template or in simple terms a copy of PSAPPSRV.UBB file. After the domain is edited using the PSADMIN utility for some reasons this is the file where the changes for the environment settings are stored.

PSAPPSRV.ENV - This holds the information of the Installed PS_HOME, it's environment information, etc

PSAPPSRV.VAL - This is a file which contain the format details for the configuration parameters, that as set with some valid values as specified in this file. This file get's called with the message for any invalid values if tried to set in the system while domain configuration.

PSTUXCFG - This is tuxedo configuration files which holds the information regarding the location of tuxedo executables, files, and commands needed to run the server process of application server.