Peoplesoft XML Publisher Guide

Tuesday, 30 July 2013

Oracle Database Backup Types

In this post we will see the methods from which we can take back-up of an Oracle database:
  1. Export/Import - Export and Import backup are logical database backups where the logical definitions following the data from the database is exported/imported to a file.
  2. Hot or Online Backups - Hot backup can be taken when the database is online. RMAN> can be used to take hot backups.
  3. Cold or Offline Backups - This is quite common and easy backup type. Here we need to shut down the database and have to backup/copy all datafiles, redo log, and control files to some place for later restore. It's better to take backup of pfile and spfile as well when going for an cold backup.
  4.  RMAN Backups - RMAN backups are taken instead the database is offline or online. RMAN utility can be used to take the backup RMAN>

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