Peoplesoft XML Publisher Guide

Wednesday, 31 July 2013

Clone User in Peoplesoft

This is a basic level post to show how we can create a new cloned user in peoplesoft using Pure Internet Architecture (PIA).

1) Login to PIA:

2) Navigate to peopletools --> Security

3) Navigate to User Profiles --> Copy User Profiles

4) Enter in Text Box the User to be cloned from...e.g. PS then click search:

5) Enter New user ID and Password and Tick the copy ID type then Save it. This will clone the User PS with new User ID as PS_CLONED as shown. Done.

Tuesday, 30 July 2013


This post explain the difference between the ARCHIVELOG and NOARCHIVELOG modes:

The below query can let you know which mode the oracle database is currently logged in:

select NAME, LOG_MODE from v$database;

1) ARCHIVELOG mode - In ARCHIVELOG mode there is 24 hour possibility of data recovery and             hence it is also known as point-in-time recovery mode.
    In ARCHIVELOG mode all the transactions are backed up that have occurred in the database so that you       can recover it to any point in time.

2) NOARCHIVELOG mode is basically used for development and test instances since there is no transaction     backed up and hence data recovery not possible to any point in time. Since transaction logs are not written in     NOARCHIVELOG mode it has the advantage which increases the performance of the database lightly.

Oracle Database Backup Types

In this post we will see the methods from which we can take back-up of an Oracle database:
  1. Export/Import - Export and Import backup are logical database backups where the logical definitions following the data from the database is exported/imported to a file.
  2. Hot or Online Backups - Hot backup can be taken when the database is online. RMAN> can be used to take hot backups.
  3. Cold or Offline Backups - This is quite common and easy backup type. Here we need to shut down the database and have to backup/copy all datafiles, redo log, and control files to some place for later restore. It's better to take backup of pfile and spfile as well when going for an cold backup.
  4.  RMAN Backups - RMAN backups are taken instead the database is offline or online. RMAN utility can be used to take the backup RMAN>

Oracle Database Startup Stages

This post explains the stages the oracle database goes with when we issue a STARTUP command to start an Oracle database instance:

1) The first thing is we have to export the ORACLE_SID
For e.g export ORACLE_SID=DB1

2) We need to logon as SYSDBA or SYSOPER priviledges:
    For e.g conn / as SYSDBA;
3) When we issue the STARTUP command Oracle database goes in three phases as follows:

a) Nomount Stage
b) Mount Stage
c) Open

a) Nomount Stage - In this stage oracle looks for the initialization parameter file (init.ora) and checks how the database is configured and also it checks the memory areas allocation. After the initialization file is accessed oracle the memory areas associated are allocated to the oracle instance.

b) Mount Stage - In this stage oracle open and reads the control file for the database related information like the location of the datafiles, the database name, etc. In this stage still the database is not opened.

c) Open - In this stage the database is opened and it accesses all the datafiles associated with the database. Once it is able to access all the database datafiles, it makes sure that all of the database datafiles are consistent then one can access the Oracle database by SQL*PLUS further ahead.

Saturday, 27 July 2013

Peoplesoft Multi-Language

Installing Multi-language in peoplesoft:

First, we can check the application for the installed languages.

We can Login to the database and can run the following SQL statement in SQL*PLUS

select Language_CD, Installed from PSLANGUAGES; 

If the 'Installed' column returns  value '1' in the Language_CD, then that language is installed in the application.

Note: After a change done for any new installed languages a restart to app and web server is good for the change to be seen online. 

Peoplesoft Tables #1

This are few important tables which holds the definition when we create a field, record, page, component and menu items in peoplesoft.

PSDBFIELD - It stores field definition.
PSRECDEFN - It stores all the record definition. 
PSPNLDEFN - Page definition are stored in this table.
PSMENUDEFN - Menu definitions are stored in this table.
PSPNLGROUP - Component definitions are stored in this table.

Saturday, 20 July 2013

Peopletools client 8.53

There can be a query in our minds or if we are still searching to get peopletools client for latest version 8.53 then the answer is here.

  • It can be found after you install the peopletools three Disk1, Disk2, Disk3
  • In your PS_HOME i.e the folder where you install peoplesoft peopletools 8.53 the client can be found in setup folder of PS_HOME under client folder.

Sunday, 14 July 2013

Tns: connection timeout error

While connecting SQL*PLUS from windows or any linux machine to the database server hosted on some other machine sometimes this connection timeout error comes.


1) Check your listener is working fine on the database server with command like LSNRCTL STATUS

2) TNSPING serverIP or ORACLE SID of hosted database server from windows machine command prompt. The status will show Ok. It means you are able to tnsping to database server.

3) TNSNAMES.ora file should be having the correct connect identifier specified on both the windows and hosted database server.
The path generally on windows is D:\app\oracle\product\11.2.0\db_1\network\admin\tnsnames.ora
The path generally on Linux is u01\oracle\product\11.2.0\db_1\network\admin\tnsnames.ora

Saturday, 13 July 2013

could not create shared cache

This message "could not create shared cache 0" comes in peoplesoft.


1) Try to delete the cache using configuration manager with purge cache option.

2) If you are connecting to peoplesoft database server with oracle client. Check the path of SQRBIN in profile tab of configuration manager.