1) Introduction to peoplesoft psquery
In peoplesoft psquery is used as an reporting tool. It is graphical User Interbased (GUI) tool used to create queries that can be used for many purpose.
We can develop only select statement not update, insert, delete with PS Query.
2) Advantages of peoplesoft psquery:
It is used in crystal report.
It is used in PSnvision report.
It is used in XML publisher.
It is used in peoplesoft workflow.
It’s output will be in rows and column.
we can export the data in Excel sheet.
3) Types of PS Query
We have four types of PS query as follows:
USer query
Role query
Process query
Archive query
4) Types of select statements in writing PS Query:
Simple select statement
Select with distinct statement
Select with order by
Group by
5) Access of PS Query
We can access PS Query by two ways:
1) With application designer
2) With peoplesoft internet architecture (pia)
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