Peoplesoft XML Publisher Guide

Monday, 18 November 2013

PeopleSoft Delivered Page to Search Components

In this post we can see how to get the component information from PIA. Since Peopletools 8.50 and 9.1 Applications there is a delivered page in PIA where we can obtain the component details directly.

The Search Navigation Page can be accessed from two ways as shown below:

Main Menu -> Enterprise Components -> Find Object Navigation

Setup HRMS -> System Administration -> Utilities -> Portal Navigation Path

Sunday, 17 November 2013

PeopleSoft Integration Broker Basics

In this post we are going to understand in short about Integration Broker in PeopleSoft. What is the use of it?

What is PeopleSoft Integration Broker?

"Integration Broker in PeopleSoft is a mechanism provided to communicate with the external applications which can be any other PeopleSoft application, fusion applications, Oracle Apps, etc."
This communication takes place with the help of XML files. For subsribing to data by any external system the communication takes place with the help of default connectors that is already a delivered one or with any custom connector. In simple terms this connectore are linked to the Integration gateway through which the communication takes place with the help of Messages, Nodes, Target Connector, Peoplecode.

Lets see each of them in some detail.

Gateways Integration Gateways run on PeopleSoft Web Server. It the medium or the pathways between PeopleSoft and any external system. The PeopleSoft Integration Gateway knows about the node by which it has the udnerstanding of the server name, app server port, username and password so that it is able to connect to the node's app server and can put the message to the running PeopleSoft environment.
A gateway URL is like this "http:\\servername:port\PSIGW\PeopleSoftListeningConnector
PSIGW - This stands for PeopleSoft Integration Gateway

Nodes In PeopleSoft all applications is having a default node for each of them. This nodes let the application know for which a message belongs to and can talk with that.
Example of node are PSFT_HR (HRMS), PSFT_EP (Financials).

Messages A Message define the structure of the XML which is used to sent between nodes. The difference between Asynchronous and Synchronous messages is just acknowledgement. Synchronous messages have to get acknowledge by the receiver whereas Asynchronous message don't.

Queques Queques in PeopleSoft are used to manage groups of messages that are sent through multiple pipes. It is used in administration of Integration Gateway. For example in a queque group of messages for employee data in HRMS application is to be sent to Financials but since Financials is down then the Message Queque can be paused as well. Before the release of PeopleTools 8.48, Queues were also called as "Message Channels".
Few more topics we will cover in next up coming post.

Friday, 15 November 2013

How to check total number of Allowed connections in Oracle Database?

Below script gives the result of the number of allowed connections to the particular database.

SELECT 'Current Connections, '
|| ' out of '
|| ' Connections.' AS USAGE_MESSAGE
WHERE VP.NAME = 'sessions'

Thursday, 14 November 2013

Type Of Tables in PeopleSoft

In this post we discuss about the types of table available in ERP like PeopleSoft.

Below mentioned are the types of tables in PeopleSoft.

1) Base Table
2) Control Table
3) Views
4) Reporting Table
5) Non-Table (Sub-Records)

Lets discuss each of them in few details:

1) Base Table A Base table hold's the real data that is not static. This tables store information of an employee and contain data of an employee. It can be mentioned as an Live table where data is changing continually. Base tables are not distinguished with a prefix or sufix.

2) Control Table In PeopleSoft Control tables are also called as lookups, prompt tables. This control tables holds short list of values. For example a table which holds all earning codes (Bonus, Overtime, Allowance, etc) is a control table and where all the earning details are stored is known as Base Table.

3) Views Views are the results of an SQL Statmenet that combines and retrives data from more than one table. Views in PeopleSoft has a suffix _VW. Views are linked directly to original tables i.e. Base table or control table.

4) Reporting Tables PeopleSoft created three tables that contain the most-often-used human resources fields. This tables are similar like Views but are not dynamic since they hold specific data in one single table and are categorized under reporting tables.

5) Non-Table (Sub-Records) Sub-Record in PeopleSoft are kind of small tables that hold the definition of group of fields of some records.
Example :- ADDRESS_SBR

Thursday, 7 November 2013

Failed to Create Message Queque while Application Server Boot

This post explains the solution for the below error message that came while booting the Application Server.

1) LIBTUX_CAT:681: ERROR: Failure to create message queue
2) JOLT_CAT:1088: "ERROR: tpinit() failed, tperrno = 7"

1) First we can try to Clean the IPC Tuxpic Services from psadmin.exe utility.
It's the 10th option in Application Server Domain boot Menu in psadmin utility.

2) Increase your IPC Resources of Tuxedo Services for Message queques and Semaphores as per your requirement and system configuration.
The navigation can be access in Windows from control panel.
It will be showing someting like this
"Oracle Tuxedo 10gR3 with VS2005 Administration 32-bit"

*** With this alternatives it should work else check in for more details.***

Oracle Database Read Only User

This post explains how to create a user with read only access for any table in an Oracle Schema.

This Schema "SYSTEM" hold 50 tables and we create a user to access only this 50 tables in read only mode.

Let's take the database name as Test1


SQL> CREATE USER User_Read_Only indentified by User_Read_Only
SQL> Commit;
Now connect as newly created Read Only User and test.

SQL> CONN User_Read_Only/User_Read_Only;

Check for tables using this new User and SYSTEM.
